Licia Lenarduzzi
- CNR-IMATI Sez. Milano, via Bassini n. 15
- 20133 Milano, Italia
(++39) 02.23699526
(++39) 02.23699538
B.Sc. Dept.
Mathematics - Università
degli Studi di Milano
Some recent papers of mine
- L. Lenarduzzi, R. Schaback (2017)
- Kernel-based adaptive approximation of functions with discontinuities,
Applied Mathematics and Computation
DOI 10.1016/j.amc.2017.02.043
- L. Lenarduzzi, M. Pepe (2016)
- Enhancing and segmenting a remote sensing image of a glacier body,
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
- L. Lenarduzzi (2015) Applied Mathematics and Computation
252, 77-87
- Compression of corneal maps of curvature
- L. Lenarduzzi
- Feature of wetness for Landsat TM images of glaciers,
Proceedings of the 5-th international conference on approximation methods and
numerical modelling in environment and natural resources.
MAMERN'13, (2013)
- M. Bozzini, L. Lenarduzzi, M. Rossini and R. Schaback (2014) IMA Jna
Interpolation with variably scaled kernels
- L. Lenarduzzi
- Feature of wetness for Landsat TM images of glaciers,
Proceedings of the 5-th international conference on approximation methods and
numerical modelling in environment and natural resources.
MAMERN'13, (2013)
- M. Bozzini, L. Lenarduzzi
- Recovering functions: a method based on domain decomposition.
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation.
vol. 99 (2014), 95-107
- M. Bozzini, L. Lenarduzzi and M. Rossini
- Non regular surface approximation
in press on Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer
- L. Lenarduzzi
- Corneal geometry: preprocessing the map of curvature before
compressing, Communication in Applied and Industrial Mathematics
vol. 3, n. 2 (2012)
- M. Bozzini and
L. Lenarduzzi
- Stable multiquadric approximation by local thinning,
- Monografias Matematicas Garcia de Galdeano (2010),
- Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference
Zaragoza-Pau on Applied Mathematics and Statistics
- M. Bozzini, L. Lenarduzzi and M. Rossini
- Kernel B-splines on general lattices,
- J. Computational and Applied Mathematics vol. 233 (2010)
- M. Bozzini, L. Lenarduzzi and M. Rossini
- Polyharmonic splines: an approximation method for noisy
scattered data of extra-large size,
- Applied Mathematics and Computation vol. 216 (2010)
- M. Bozzini and
L. Lenarduzzi
- An adaptive local procedure to approximate unevenly
distributed data
- J. Computational and Applied Mathematics (2010)
- Communication to SIMAI Conference, vol. 3 (2009)
- M. Bozzini,
L. Lenarduzzi and R. Schaback
- Kernel B-splines and interpolation,
- Numerical Algorithms, vol. 41 (2006)
Research areas
- non linear algorithms to approximate curves and
surfaces and to describe concisely functional data;
- radial functions and modified radial functions;
- time-frequency analysis by wavelets;
- treatment of signals for telemedicine,
contour data and geophysical data.
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