Extended abstract submission
Young researchers, Ph.D. students and Master Degree students interested in partecipating should send a short paper containing the research work by February, 28th, 2013.
Contributors will be notified about the acceptance of their paper by March, 15th, 2013.
Authors of accepted papers and each one interested in partecipating to the session should register for free before the meeting.
Please use the attached LaTex class (click on the logo to download) and observe the following instructions while preparing the short paper:

Title: |
Limited to 180 characters in length. Use initial caps in the title; do not use all caps. |
Author(s): |
Type all authors' names with initial caps. Include affiliations for all authors. For students: please provide the name and affiliation of your Professor. |
Address: |
Contact/Presenting authors' names and e-mail addresses. |
Keywords: |
Up to 4 key words; use semicolons to separate the keywords. |
Paper body: |
Limited to 600 words, including a short summary, with at maximum one figure and one table. |
Equipment needs: |
Indicate your audio-visual equipment needs at the end of the paper (but only if different from PC projector, with Acrobat Reader and Office installed). |
Electronic submission by email is required by sending both the tex file (together with enclose pictures) and the pdf file to baysm2013@mi.imati.cnr.it.
Accepted papers will be pusblished on the meeting website.
Moreover, after acceptance, authors will be able to slightly modify their paper to be published into a book of the series Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics (with ISSN). The publication is free for authors.
Indications for posters
Poster should have a maximum height of 100 cm and a maximum width of 70 cm; style and layout are free.
Author should expose their poster while they register and the beginning of the conference and leave them exposed until the closure.