Eighth Workshop on
CNR-IMATI, Milan (MI), Italy
June, 6-8, 2013
Invited lecturers:
- Elja Arjas (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Time to consider time, and time to predict?
Abstract BISP8.01
- Vanja Dukic (University of Colorado, USA)
Bayesian inference in structured epidemics
Abstract BISP8.02
- Antonio Lijoi (University of Pavia, Italy)
Canonical correlations and dependent prior processes
Abstract BISP8.03
- Finn Lindgren (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway)
Constructing credible regions for contours and excursions
Abstract BISP8.04
- Mario Peruggia (Ohio State University, USA)
Bayesian Models for Sequences of Response Time Data
Abstract BISP8.05
- Bruno Sansò (University of California at Santa Cruz, USA)
Seasonal marked point processes for hurricane occurrences and attributes
Abstract BISP8.06
Young researchers invited to contribute:
- Osvaldo Anacleto (Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh, UK)
Dynamic chain graph models for multivariate time series
Abstract BISP8.07
- Veronica Berrocal (University of Michigan, USA)
A class of generalized conditionally autoregressive models
Abstract BISP8.08
- Tamara Broderick (University of California at Berkeley, USA)
Clusters and features from combinatorial stochastic processes
Abstract BISP8.09
- Roberto Casarin (University of Venezia, Italy)
Beta-product dependent Pitman-Yor process prior for Bayesian inference
Abstract BISP8.10
- Murali Haran (Pennsylvania State University, USA)
Inference with Implicit Likelihoods
Abstract BISP8.11
- Bumsoo Kim (George Washington University, USA)
Dynamic Bayes network approach to market basket analysis
Abstract BISP8.12
- Ettore Lanzarone (CNR-IMATI, Italy)
Bayesian estimation of thermal conductivity and temperature profile in homogeneous masses
Abstract BISP8.13
- Ricardo Lemos (University of Queensland, Australia)
Growth, reproduction and death: an integrated model for fish stocks
Abstract BISP8.14
- Vinicius Diniz Mayrink (Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
Sparse latent factor models with interactions: analysis of gene expression data
Abstract BISP8.15
- Ana Paula Palacios (Plymouth University, UK)
Bayesian inference for a stochastic growth process
Abstract BISP8.16
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