Technical reports & preprints

  1. M. Doneda, P. Smet, G. Carello, E. Lanzarone, G. Vanden Berghe.
    Robust personnel rostering: how accurate should absenteeism predictions be?
    arXiv; 2406.18119. ARXIV AISBERG
    followed by a paper under review.
  2. C. Mazzanti, A.M. Anaya-Arenas, V. Bélanger, E. Lanzarone, A. Ruiz.
    Iterative matheuristic for the biomedical sample transportation problem.
    SSRN; 4598689. SSRN AISBERG
    followed by Mazzanti et al., Comput Ind Eng 2024; 192: 110196.
  3. R. Argiento, R. Corradin, A. Guglielmi, E. Lanzarone.
    Clustering blood donors via mixtures of product partition models with covariates.
    arXiv; 2210.08297. ARXIV AISBERG
    followed by Argiento etl al., Biometrics 2024; 80(1): ujad021.
  4. C. Mazzanti, A.M. Anaya-Arenas, V. Bélanger, E. Lanzarone, A. Ruiz.
    Iterative time-decomposition matheuristic for the biomedical sample transportation problem.
    Technical report CIRRELT 2022; no. 11. CIRRELT AISBERG
    followed by Mazzanti et al., Comput Ind Eng 2024; 192: 110196. download PDF
  5. A. Montanino, G. Alaimo, E. Lanzarone.
    A gradient-based optimization method with functional principal component analysis for efficient structural topology optimization.
    Technical report IMATI-CNR 2020; 20-02. IMATI-CNR AISBERG
    followed by Montanino et al., Struct Multidiscip Optim 2021; 64: 177-88. download PDF
  6. G. Alaimo, F. Auricchio, I. Bianchini, E. Lanzarone.
    Applying functional principal components to structural topology optimization.
    Technical report IMATI-CNR 2017; 17-09. IMATI-CNR
    followed by Alaimo et al., Int J Numer Meth Eng 2018; 115(2): 189-208. download PDF
  7. S. Baş, G. Carello, E. Lanzarone, S. Yalçindağ.
    An appointment scheduling framework to balance the production of blood bags from donation.
    Technical report IMATI-CNR 2016; 16-06. IMATI-CNR
    followed by Baş et al., Eur J Oper Res 2018; 265(3): 1124-43. download PDF
  8. D. Carrera, F. Manganini, G. Boracchi, E. Lanzarone.
    Defect detection in nanostructures.
    Technical report IMATI-CNR 2016; 16-03. IMATI-CNR
    followed by Carrera et al., IEEE T Ind Inform 2017, 13(2): 555-61. download PDF
  9. V. Bélanger, E. Lanzarone, A. Ruiz, P. Soriano.
    The ambulance relocation and dispatching problem.
    Technical report CIRRELT 2015; no. 59. CIRRELT
    followed by by Bélanger et al., Eur J Oper Res 2020; 286(2): 713-25. download PDF
  10. R. Argiento, A. Guglielmi, E. Lanzarone, I. Nawajah.
    Joint prediction of health status and demand for patient in home care services: a Bayesian approach.
    Technical report IMATI-CNR 2014; 02-MI; ISSN 1722-8964. IMATI-CNR (Milan)
    followed by Argiento et al., IMA J Management Math 2017, 28(4): 531-52. download PDF
  11. G. Carello, E. Lanzarone, S. Mattia.
    Advances in applying the cardinality-constrained model for the nurse-to-patient assignment problem in home care.
    Technical report IASI-CNR 2013; R. 13-09; ISSN 1128-3378. IASI-CNR
    followed by by by Carello et al., Operations Research for Health Care 2018; 16: 29-40. download PDF
  12. L. Ironi, E. Lanzarone.
    Assigning probabilities to qualitative dynamics of gene regulatory networks.
    Technical report IMATI-CNR 2013; 2PV13/2/0; ISSN 1722-8964. IMATI-CNR (Pavia)
    followed by Ironi and Lanzarone, J Math Biol 2014, 69(6-7): 1661-92. download PDF

National contributions

  1. A. Gürsoy, R. Pinto, F. Piccinini, D. Ghezzi, L. Veronese, E. Volpato, S. Rossini, E. Lanzarone.
    Scheduling blood components production: a real‑life case study.
    9th AIRO (Associazione Italiana di Ricerca Operativa) Young Workshop 2025, Conference book 30. AIRO AISBERG
  2. M. Doneda, P. Smet, G. Carello, E. Lanzarone, G. Vanden Berghe.
    On the use of simulated machine learning for robust staff rostering.
    8th AIRO (Associazione Italiana di Ricerca Operativa) Young Workshop 2024, conference book 8-9. AIRO AISBERG
  3. F. Valenti, A. Dotti, E. Bolzonaro, L. Santurro, A. Mangili, M.M. Grassi, I. Vlacis, E. Lanzarone.
    Progetto di applicazione dei modelli di machine learning nella previsione dell'outcome e nella scelta della tipologia di ricostruzione dopo mastectomia:
    protesi prepettorale o retropettorale
    Congresso Attualità in Senologia 2023, Program book, 42. AIS AISBERG
  4. D. Duma, E. Lanzarone, S. Marconi.
    Multi-phase scheduling of 3D-printed devices for medicine.
    AIRO (Associazione Italiana di Ricerca Operativa) 2023 Conference, Abstracts book, 91. AIRO AISBERG
  5. M. Doneda, E. Lanzarone, A. Barbato, C. Franchi, S. Mandelli, A. Nobili, G. Carello.
    The location, dimensioning and districting problem of community houses in Lombardy, Italy.
    AIRO (Associazione Italiana di Ricerca Operativa) 2023 Conference, Abstracts book, 93. AIRO AISBERG
  6. T. Bacci, E. Lanzarone, S. Mattia, P. Ventura.
    A Benders decomposition approach for planning home blood donations.
    AIRO (Associazione Italiana di Ricerca Operativa) 2023 Conference, Abstracts book, 96. AIRO AISBERG
  7. M. Doneda S. Yalçindağ, E. Lanzarone.
    A framework for at-home blood collection considering donor preferences.
    AIRO (Associazione Italiana di Ricerca Operativa) 2022 Conference, Abstracts book, 15. AIRO AISBERG
  8. G. Carello, E. Lanzarone, M. Servilio.
    Nurse-to-patient assignment in home care services with uncertain and temporally correlated patient demand.
    AIRO (Associazione Italiana di Ricerca Operativa) 2019 Conference, Session T3. AIRO AISBERG
  9. A. Pievatolo, E. Lanzarone, M. Diani, M. Colledani.
    A population balance model for the recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment: a laboratory experience.
    SIS (Socitetà Italiana di Statistica) 2019 Conference, presentation at the invited ENBIS session. SIS
  10. E. Lanzarone.
    The flagship project Fab@Hospital: methods and technologies for manufacturing customized, patient specific prostheses in an hospital factory.
    Talk for the workshop of the European Project Horizon 2020 SMART-map at the II conference of the IDBN (Italian Digital Biomanufacturing Network). IDBN
  11. S. Marconi, E. Lanzarone, G. Van Bogerijen, M Conti, F. Secchi, S. Trimarchi, F. Auricchio.
    A compliant aortic model for in vitro tests produced by 3D printing and molding.
    Proceedings of the II conference of the IDBN (Italian Digital Biomanufacturing Network), 65-67; ISBN 9788866931249. IDBN AISBERG
  12. S. Yalçindağ, S. Baş, E. Lanzarone, G. Carello.
    An appointment scheduling framework to balance the production of blood units from donation.
    38th Turkish National Operations Research and Industrial Engineering Congress (YAEM 2018), Abstracts book, 47. YAEM2018 AISBERG
  13. R. Argiento, I. Bianchini, A. Guglielmi, E. Lanzarone.
    Bayesian nonparametric covariate driven clustering.
    SIS (Socitetà Italiana di Statistica) 2018 Conference, Proceedings book, 46-55; ISBN 978-88-9191-023-3. SIS AISBERG
  14. F. Regis-Hernández, E. Lanzarone, V. Bélanger, A. Ruiz.
    Demand-driven districting to improve emergency medical services.
    60th Annual CORS (Canadian Operational Research Society) Conference, 2018, Conference book, 33. CORS2018 AISBERG
  15. V. Nicoletta, E. Lanzarone, V. Bélanger, A. Ruiz.
    A cardinality-constrained robust approach for the biomedical samples laboratories network problem.
    60th Annual CORS (Canadian Operational Research Society) Conference, 2018, Conference book, 53. CORS2018 AISBERG
  16. V. Bélanger, M. Toschi, A.M. Anaya-Arenas, E. Lanzarone, A. Ruiz.
    A matheuristic for the biomedical sample transportation problem with interdependent pickups.
    60th Annual CORS (Canadian Operational Research Society) Conference, 2018, Conference book, 53. CORS2018 AISBERG
  17. V. Nicoletta, V. Bélanger, E. Lanzarone, A. Ruiz.
    A cardinality-constrained robust approach for the biomedical samples laboratories network problem.
    Optimization Days 2018 at HEC Montréal. JOPT2018 AISBERG
  18. F. Regis-Hernández, E. Lanzarone, V. Bélanger, A. Ruiz.
    Demand-driven districting to minimize response time in emergency medical services.
    Optimization Days 2018 at HEC Montréal. JOPT2018 AISBERG
  19. M. Toschi, A.M. Anaya-Arenas, V. Bélanger, E. Lanzarone, A. Ruiz.
    A VNS for the biomedical sample transportation problem with interdependent pickups.
    Optimization Days 2018 at HEC Montréal. JOPT2018 AISBERG
  20. E. Lanzarone, M. Conti, S. Marconi, H.W.L. De Beaufort, S. Trimarchi, F. Auricchio.
    Alteration of lumped parameters under stent graft in ex vivo porcine aortas.
    ESB-ITA (Italian Chapter of the European Society of Biomechanics) 2017 Meeting, Abstracts book, 43-4; ISBN 978-88-6296-000-7. ESB-ITA
  21. E. Lanzarone, S. Baş, G. Carello, S. Yalçindağ.
    An appointment scheduling framework to balance the production of blood bags from donation.
    AIRO (Associazione Italiana di Ricerca Operativa) 2016 Conference, Abstracts book, 178-9. AIRO
  22. S. Baş, G. Carello, E. Lanzarone, Z. Ocak, S. Yalçindağ.
    Kan bağιşι sistemlerinde bağιşçι randevu çizelgeleme modeli.
    35th Turkish National Operations Research and Industrial Engineering Congress (YAEM 2015), Abstracts book, 250. YAEM2015
  23. E. Lanzarone, S. Baş, Z. Ocak, G. Carello, S. Yalçindağ.
    Balancing the production of blood bags from donation through appointment scheduling.
    AIRO (Associazione Italiana di Ricerca Operativa) 2015 Conference, Abstracts book, 77-8. AIRO
  24. I. Bianchini, R. Argiento, F. Auricchio, E. Lanzarone.
    Evaluating uncertainty in finite element analysis via functional principal component analysis.
    ESB-ITA (Italian Chapter of the European Society of Biomechanics) 2015 Meeting, Abstracts book, 13-4. ESB-ITA
  25. G. Carello, E. Lanzarone, S. Mattia.
    Different perspectives and goals in home care planning.
    AIRO (Associazione Italiana di Ricerca Operativa) 2014 Conference, Abstracts book, 106. AIRO
  26. I. Nawajah, R. Argiento, A. Guglielmi, E. Lanzarone.
    Joint prediction of demand and care duration in home care patients: a Bayesian approach.
    SIS (Socitetà Italiana di Statistica) 2014 Conference, Proceedings book, no. 2893; ISBN 978-88-8467-874-4. SIS AISBERG
  27. G. Carello, E. Lanzarone.
    A robust optimization approach for the nurse-to-patient assignment problem in home care.
    AIRO (Associazione Italiana di Ricerca Operativa) 2012 Conference, Abstracts book, 63. AIRO
  28. E. Lanzarone, A. Matta, E. Sahin, Y. Dallery.
    Assigning operators to patients in home care providers.
    Actes du 12e Congrès Annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationelle et d'Aide à la Décision 2011 (ROADEF 2011); Vol. II; 677-8. Roadef2011
  29. E. Lanzarone, M.L. Costantino, R. Fumero.
    Endothelial nitric oxide release under pulsatile or continuous cardiopulmonary bypass: computational model.
    Atti del Congresso Nazionale di Bioingegneria 2008; 187-8; Pàtron editore; ISBN 978-88-55529-83-9. GNB
  30. E. Lanzarone, A. Fumero, H. Suzuki, F. Gelmini, M. Carini, G. Faggian, M.L. Costantino.
    Endothelial nitric oxide release under pulsatile or continuous cardiopulmonary bypass or beating heart surgery: clinical investigation.
    Atti del Congresso Nazionale di Bioingegneria 2008; 785-6; Pàtron editore; ISBN 978-88-55529-83-9. GNB
  31. E. Lanzarone, M.L. Costantino, R. Fumero.
    Il bypass cardiopolmonare e l'alterazione sistemica: il ruolo dell'endotelio.
    In-Bypass 2007 [A.N.Pe.C. - Associazione Nazionale Perfusionisti in Cardiochirurgia]; 20(2):3403-10. ANPeC

Didactical books

  1. G. Casagrande, E. Lanzarone, L. Marocco, F. Miglietta.
    Esercizi di Fisica Tecnica.
    Pitagora Editrice. Third ed. 2013 (first ed. 2008); ISBN 88-371-1215-7.
    Editor AISBERG

My theses

  1. E. Lanzarone.
    Il ruolo attivo dell'endotelio nella risposta sistemica ad una perfusione continua o pulsatile.
    Tesi di Dottorato in Bioingegneria, XX ciclo, Politecnico di Milano, 2008.
    Tutor: Roberto Fumero - Advisor: Maria Laura Costantino.
    Biblioteca Politecnico di Milano
  2. E. Lanzarone, P. Liani.
    Modello della circolazione arteriosa sistemica con regolazione locale dei distretti periferici.
    Tesi di Laurea Quinquennale in Ingegneria Biomedica, Politecnico di Milano, 2004.
    Advisors: Maria Laura Costantino, Giuseppe Baselli.
    Biblioteca Politecnico di Milano